fachhoch con [https://community.jboss.org/people/fachhoch] created the 

"configure my persistance provider in jbpm"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/820818#820818

My applcaiton uses hibernate for persisitance and we dont use JPA, we use 
hibernate direcly, JBPM comes with JPA persistance, is there a way to configure 
jbpm to use my   persistance ?
 is there an interface which  I can implement  and register it  so jBPM will 
use my persitance provider ?

I need jBMP for simple state persistance ,my app right now uses OSWORKFLOW 
where I can configure my persistance provider, whihc could be plain jdbc or 
spring etc.
Please advice.

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