Ruediger Herrmann 
[] created the 

"jBPM 3.2: Trouble understanding RuntimeActions and fork/join"

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I am having trouble in understanding the amount and order of runtimeActions 
being triggered in a process definition that contains a fork node. The process 
definition is rather simple, a fork node has two leaving transitions, each 
pointing to a plain node (called lane1 and lane2). Each of the two nodes has 
one leaving transition to one common join node. Apart from a start and end 
node, that's all.  At runtime I want to be informed whenever a node is entered 
or left. Therefor I attached runtimeActions for Event.EVENTTYPE_NODE_ENTER and 
Event.EVENTTYPE_NODE_LEAVE to each node. The output is printed below: 
node-leave: StartState(start) node-enter: Fork(fork) node-leave: Fork(fork) 
node-enter: Node(lane1) node-leave: Fork(fork) node-enter: Node(lane2) 
node-leave: Node(lane1) node-enter: Join(join) node-leave: Node(lane2) 
node-enter: Join(join) node-leave: Join(join) node-enter: EndState(end)  What 
puzzles me is that leave-Fork and enter-Join occur twice.  The process instance 
is executed with the following code:   void signalToken( Token token ) {     
Map children = token.getChildren();     if( children != null ) {       
Collection childTokens = children.values();       for( Token childToken : 
childTokens ) {         signalToken( childToken );       }     }     if( 
!token.hasEnded() ) {       token.signal();     } signalToken is initially 
called with processInstance.getRootToken() as the  argument.  Attached is a 
standalone snippet to reproduce what I described. Can anyone explain what is 
going on or what I am doing wrong?  TIA Rüdiger


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