Can anybody help me in this regard ? It is really appreciated.

Environment : jBPM 4.0, JBOSS 5.0.0 GA, GPD ( that comes with jBPM 4.0 GA ) 

1. Process definition below ( designed with GPD ) with start state - task with 
form - java task - end is not getting completed. After "task with form", it is 
not going into java task. Instead it is giving me error 
"19:21:30,290 INFO [TaskActivity] No outcome named 'null' was found.The process 
instance is now suspended." 
Point to mention here is that i am running process using jbpm-console ( GWT 
console ) that comes with jBPM 4.0 GA 

2. I can't see any way to associate form with Process task in GPD that comes 
with jBPM 4.0 GA 
Attaching process definition : 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 


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