The source code for Forte is on BTW, you'll be better off,
if you use Netbeans (which is the open source version of Forte), because new
releases come out earlier and bug fixes are more readily available as well
(than with Forte).  Forte is actually a "repackaged" version of Netbeans --
with another logo and with such small differences in their licenses, wich
most developers will not be interested in.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nicolai P Guba [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] GUI tools for deployment

>>>>> "b" == bcd  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

b> I notice that Sun has a Deployment GUI tool for its J2EE
b> implementation. Is this useful in conjunction with JBoss? Or is
b> there something else I should rather use?

Hmmm, it's not difficult to figure out that I'm with Emacs as IDE (or
OS --pending on point of view), but I am currently looking at Forte
3.0.  Written by SUN and is (semi)freely available (ie free as in free
beer but no source code) and distributed as a .class file which is the
installer.  Quite impressive but I haven't tried to plug it into JBoss
yet.  Has anybody tried this?

b> I did try a JBoss GUI tool for editing deployment descriptors (I
b> think that's what it was supposed to do :-) but it didn't seem to
b> show me much of interest.

It doesn't do much else :( I once tried to connect the deploytool to
jboss but never succeeded.  Would be nice if one could get it going...
  Nicolai P Guba
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