[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Servlet regarded as ServiceEndPoint

2006-07-10 Thread kdeboer
Thanks for the answer. I can fix this for our own code. But we are also using novell extend portal code and we don not have control over this piece of software. I think it is a good idea to make this more 'elegant' View the original post :

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Servlet regarded as ServiceEndPoint

2006-06-23 Thread kdeboer
Hi, i aa using jboss 404GA and JBossWS 1.0.1. The web application contains both web service endpoints and servlets. However if i try to call the servlet i get the following error: | | org.jboss.ws.WSException: Cannot obtain endpoint for:

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Username Token Profile

2006-06-21 Thread kdeboer
Username (and X509) Token Profile is supposed to be supported in JBoss WS But i cannot find any reference in the documentation. Can somebody inform me about the status or how to do it? Thanks in advance View the original post :

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Problem with collection types.

2006-03-17 Thread kdeboer
You could use arrays. This is what i do View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=3930904#3930904 Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=postingmode=replyp=3930904 --- This

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Serious JAXB parsig problem in 404CR2

2006-03-17 Thread kdeboer
The first sentence should be corrected: It is about elements NOT containing data View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=3930906#3930906 Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=postingmode=replyp=3930906

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Serious JAXB parsig problem in 404CR2

2006-03-16 Thread kdeboer
With the ws4ee implementation soap messages with optional complextypes and containing data were 'escaped' like this: | ns1:RangeBasedCreateMapRequest xmlns:ns1=http://www.denhaag.nl/gbd/mapserver/v1.0; |MapIdsprbuurtkaart/MapId |MapInResponsefalse/MapInResponse |MapRange

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: JBoss404CR2 not generating xsi:nil values anymore

2006-03-14 Thread kdeboer
My scenario is the same. The only diffrence being that I started with the WSDL and used WSCompile 1.6 to generate the stub code and jaxrpc_mapping file Karl View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=3930001#3930001 Reply to the post :

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - JBoss404CR2 not generating xsi:nil values anymore

2006-03-13 Thread kdeboer
I don't know if this is already known: My testcases on the the JBoss404CR2 build fail because the application client does no longer insert empty elements with xsi:nil (elements are optional in the wsdl and complex types (arrays) ) in the soap message while the JAXB parser on the server expects

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: JBoss 404RC1 JBossWS Deployment Issue

2006-02-02 Thread kdeboer
Hi Thomas, your advice did the trick. It was not chacked in the past. I think i have found another (small) issue: The name of my jaxrpc-mapping file was jaxrpc-mapping.xml and not jaxrpc-mapping.xml. Jboss WS reported that it could not find this file. Renaming the file solved the issue, but

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: JBoss 404RC1 JBossWS Deployment Issue

2006-02-02 Thread kdeboer
the file that JBoss expected was jaxrpc-mapping-client.xml and not jaxrpc-mapping.xml. In the service reference jaxrpc-mapping.xml was mentioned. Apparently JBossWS did not check this Karl View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=3921209#3921209 Reply

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: JBoss 404RC1 JBossWS Deployment Issue

2006-02-02 Thread kdeboer
I don't know if i should open a new thread, but testing further another error shows up: 2006-02-02 16:01:56,046 DEBUG [org.jboss.ws.jaxrpc.encoding.JAXBSerializer:84] serialize:

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - JBoss 404RC1 JBossWS Deployment Issue

2006-01-31 Thread kdeboer
Hi all, I have a problem deploying an EXISTING webservice on JBoss 404RC1 with the new JBossWS stack (i removed JBossWSEE and added JBossWS according to instructions). The WSDL was created manually and the stub classes were generated with WSCompile 1.6. Document / literal. It does work on

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: JBoss 404RC1 JBossWS Deployment Issue

2006-01-31 Thread kdeboer
The last part of the message was lost in space: the jaxrpcconfig | configuration | xmlns=http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jax-rpc/ri/config; |wsdl location=file:\\\D:/hidreloaded/projects/MapServer/webroot/WEB-INF/wsdl/MapServer.wsdl packageName=nl.denhaag.gbd.mapserver.service /

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: External WebServices

2006-01-05 Thread kdeboer
Here is the code for the generated class | | // This class was generated by the JAXRPC SI, do not edit. | // Contents subject to change without notice. | // JAX-RPC Standard Implementation (1.1.3, build R1) | // Generated source version: 1.1.3 | | package

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: External WebServices

2006-01-05 Thread kdeboer
OK I will send you a test jar by email. Does it mean things don't work in 4.03SP1 becuase no wsdd is generated? View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=3915796#3915796 Reply to the post :

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Unexplainable SAX Parsing exceptions

2006-01-04 Thread kdeboer
I reposted this issue/request in another format yesterday under the title External WebServices. I have to know if the problem is on the Oracle Appserver Side or on the Jboss side or if i am doing something wrong. I hope the problem is on the Oracle side so we can replace Oracle with JBoss. In

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: External WebServices

2006-01-04 Thread kdeboer
Thanks Thomas, BUT the xml element name is 'Naam' in both the WSDL, JAX-RPC Mapping and SOAP response Karl View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=3915603#3915603 Reply to the post :

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - External WebServices

2006-01-03 Thread kdeboer
I have a problem for which i did not get an answer in the forum. Probably this wa because my question was unclear: I am trying to access external webservice in the J2EE client way. The WSDL have been generated using AXIS and some PL/SQL generation toolkit. A t first the WSDLs were generated in

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: External WebServices

2006-01-03 Thread kdeboer
I will repost the WSDL here: | | ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? | wsdl:definitions targetNamespace=urn:ws.kgb.itude.com xmlns:impl=urn:ws.kgb.itude.com xmlns:intf=urn:ws.kgb.itude.com xmlns:apachesoap=http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap;

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Unexplainable SAX Parsing exceptions

2005-12-15 Thread kdeboer
Hi EveryBody, I have a problem which i cannot explain: Environment: External WebService (Oracle appserver) JBoss Aplication Client (4.0.2 and 4.03SP1 bot tested) Document/Literal style The stub code has been generated with wscompile -keep -import -f:wsi -f:documentliteral The execption i am

[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Security Leak?

2005-06-20 Thread kdeboer
A Collegue of mine mailed this to me: http://www.addict3d.org/index.php?page=viewarticletype=securityID=4232 Is anybody within JBoss aware of this problem? Karl de Boer View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=3882127#3882127 Reply to the post :

[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: No ManagedConnections within a custom Login Module

2004-09-20 Thread kdeboer
Closing a connection retrieved from a datasource is equal to returning it to the pool. Looking at your code it seems you retrieve two connections from the pool. It is better to test the connection after you retrieved it from the datasource. Now you fetch it twice. Or am i completely wrong?