
I'm looking for some hlep in integating Axis-1.2 /Axis-1.1  with Jboss-4.0 and 
some doubts on few queries :-) .

As i understand  Jboss4.0 comes with  jboss-ws4ee.sar which is J2ee-1.4 
compliant web services and  uses apache axis as its underlying core (not sure 
which version though, i think i read some where it is using 1.2 )

1. Is there a way to remove J2EE-1.4 style web services from jboss and plugin 
apache-axis 1.2 into it. (As jboss is modular it should be allowed :-))

(I did try removing  jboss-ws4ee.sar from deploy and stopping the 
mbean to monior this and its dependency on Ejb deployer from jboss-service.xml 
im conf directory)

2. Are there any doc/wikis/help is available how to integrate axis1.1/1.2 with 

3 . If i deploy web servies using JbossWS is it portable on other app server 
with j2ee1.4 compliant, (reason i asked this because Jboss.net was not 
portable) so i'm not sure if Jboss (Cool) guys have added some jboss specific 
stuff in it as well.

I did try the normal (with Jboss-3.x series) way of integrating  axis-1..1/1.2 
by dropping axis in deploy directory, which makes the "axis test page happy", 
but falis on looking at the default web service end points.
(My understanding is it is looking for client- axis-config.xml and server- 
axis-config.xml  because of new style of web services, plz correct me if thats 

This is what i get when I try to acess the default end points which are shipped 
with Axis.
16:22:03,312 ERROR [EngineConfigurationFactoryServlet] Unable to find config 
file.  Creating new servlet engine config file: /WEB-INF/server-config.wsdd
16:22:03,392 FATAL [InternalException] Exception:
org.apache.axis.ConfigurationException: org.apache.axis.ConfigurationException: 
No engine configuration file - aborting!
org.apache.axis.ConfigurationException: No engine configuration file - aborting!


I hope my questions and doubts make some sense, and hopefully someone out there
will be able to provide his/her invaluable wisdom and that wiil be very helpful 
for the community out there....



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