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First of all, sorry if this question has been posted before, but the search module 
"threw an exception".

I have an EAR file that I deploy in JBoss. For testing purposes, the EAR "file" is a 
directory with .ear extenstion. The EAR file consists of a number of EJB jar files, of 
which several are dependent on each other - the dependencies are expressed in the 
Class-Path attribute in of each jar-file.

Now, if I unpack an EJB jar-file to a directory structure (within the ear-directory), 
I would expect that JBoss would behave the same way. 

But what I discovered is that JBoss seems to ignore the Class-Path attribute in an 
"unpacked" EJB jar file and makes it impossible to deploy the EAR-"file".

Is this a bug? - or have I missed something in my configuration?

The Class-Path attribute has the form:

Class-Path: ejb1.jar ejb2.jar ejb3.jar

and the EAR-"file" deploys with no problems when the EJB jar files are "packed".

My configuration is:

* Windows 2000

* Sun JVM 1.4.2_02

* JBoss 3.2.2

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