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 hi there,

which app server are you using now? does the jboss improved its performance over the 
last 2 years or have you switched to Orion or another app server?  



"diathesis" wrote : We started developing an application using JBoss/Tomcat, and 
almost immediately noticed that it was slow, both through Tomcat, and through 
accessing the EJB directly for the Unit Tests.

After a certain level of functionality was put in place, we did some load testing, and 
found that we could only handle a load of 15 users.  After some profiling, we boosted 
that to 20.  Using Resin instead of Tomcat would only boost that to 25.  That's still 
awfully low.  We have tuned updates on, logs set to minimal, and we don't seem to be 
having RAM issues.

Preliminary tests with Orion indicate that it could handle well over 500 users using 
the exact same application, in less RAM than JBoss /or/ Tomcat /or/ Resin.

Unfortunately for me, I've always had issues with the support and documentation that 
follows Orion about, and JBoss has a number of really well-implemented features (the 
verifier and deployer are very nice, the error messages are usually relatively clear, 
and I can look at the source if something goes wrong and no-one can help me).

So, a couple of questions:

Why on earth is JBoss so slow, and is there anything else we can do to increase its 
speed?  I can't guarantee we don't have some inefficiencies in the code still, but 20 
users is awfully low even for inefficient code.  Also, Orion doesn't seem to suffer 
from the same problem.

Is there anything we can do to increase the speed?

Do other people have similar issues with JBoss performance?

Not trying to knock JBoss here - I've got a lot of good things to say about it, but if 
I can't get more speed out of it than I currently am, then there's just no point in 
using it.

     - Geoffrey

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