Following is a brief description about how EJB container handles exception. I 
found this on some site.

How the EJB container handles exceptions:

The EJB container intercepts every method call on the EJB component. As a 
result, every exception that results in a method call is also intercepted by 
the EJB container. The EJB specification deals only with handling two types of 
exception: application exceptions and system exceptions.

An application exception is defined by the EJB spec as any exception declared 
on the method signatures in the remote interface (other than RemoteException). 
An application exception is a special scenario in the business workflow. When 
this type of exception is thrown, the client is given a recovery option, 
usually one that entails processing the request in a different way. This does 
not, however, mean that any unchecked exception declared in the throws clause 
of a remote-interface method would be treated as an application exception. The 
spec states clearly that application exceptions should not extend 
RuntimeException or its subclasses.

When an application exception occurs, the EJB container doesn't roll back the 
transaction unless it is asked to do so explicitly, with a call to the 
setRollbackOnly() method on the associated EJBContext object. In fact, 
application exceptions are guaranteed to be delivered to the client as is: the 
EJB container does not wrap or massage the exception in any way. 

A system exception is defined as either a checked exception or an unchecked 
exception, from which an EJB method cannot recover. When the EJB container 
intercepts an unchecked exception, it rolls back the transaction and does any 
necessary cleanup. Then the container wraps the unchecked exception in a 
RemoteException and throws it to the client. Thus the EJB container presents 
all unchecked system exceptions to the client as RemoteExceptions (or as a 
subclass thereof, such as TransactionRolledbackException).

In the case of a checked exception, the container does not automatically 
perform the housekeeping described above. To use the EJB container's internal 
housekeeping, you will have to have your checked exceptions thrown as unchecked 
exceptions. Whenever a checked system exception (such as a NamingException) 
occurs, you should throw javax.ejb.EJBException, or a subclass thereof, by 
wrapping the original exception. Because EJBException itself is an unchecked 
exception, there is no need to declare it in the throws clause of the method. 
The EJB container catches the EJBException or its subclass, wraps it in a 
RemoteException, and throws the RemoteException to the client.


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