Hi, I have already posted this on the Tomcat/Servlet forum, because I thought  
it was a Servlet problem, now I'm not so sure. I hope this is the correct forum.

Have a look to the following piece of code, please. It's a struts action, 
calling a method on a EJB, throwing a InvalidPasswordException:

public ActionForward execute(...) throws Exception
  | {
  | //......
  | ibsd.saveUserPassword(....);
  | //........
  | catch (InvalidPasswordException ipe)
  | {
  | ipe.printStackTrace();
  | }
  | catch (Exception e)
  | {
  | e.printStackTrace();
  | }

if I deploy the code into jboss version 4.0.0RC1 the exception is caught in the 
first catch, as expected. Deploying the  SAME code into jboss version 4.0.2 
leads to an unexpected result: the exception is caught in the secong block, 
while its stack trace tells it's an InvalidPasswordException:

2005-08-12 16:54:08,343 [http-] ERROR [ROM] 
com.xxx.web.utilities.InvalidPasswordException: Cannot change password, old 
password does not match with current password
  |     at 
  |     at 
  |     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

can someone tell me why this happens? 


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