me again.

A have some issues with an unidirectional @OneToMany relation
Here are the code and results :

//////////////////////////////////////////////////// Entity bean

@Table(name = "MANAGER")
public class Manager implements Serializable {
        protected Collection managedFleets;
         * Get the managedFleets.
         * @return Returns the managedFleets.
        @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
        @JoinTable(name = "FLEET_MGR", 
                           joinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "MGR_ID") }, 
                           inverseJoinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = 
"FLEET_ID") })
        public Collection getManagedFleets() {
                return managedFleets;

         * Set the managedFleets.
         * @param managedFleets The managedFleets to set.
        public void setManagedFleets(Collection managedFleets) {
                this.managedFleets = managedFleets;

/////////////////////////////////////////////////// Session bean

public void assignFleetToManager(Integer fleetId, Integer managerId) {
        Fleet fleet = em.find(Fleet.class, fleetId);
        Manager manager = em.find(Manager.class, managerId);
        if ((fleet != null) && (manager != null)) {

A call to this method on a FLEET already associated to a MANAGER creates
a new association and does not delete the OLD association. This leads to
a fleet assigned to 2 managers which is no more a OneToMany relation...

MGR_ID          FLEET_ID
107               5
108               6

AFTER a call to assignFleetToManager(6, 107)
MGR_ID          FLEET_ID
107               5
107               6
108               6

Another issue is that if a call twice the assignFleetToManager method,
jboss does not notice that the relation still exists and insert a new one
that produce a SQL exception cause of ducplicate primy keys.

What did i miss ?
Thank you

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