OK, I can answer my own question. I set everything up correctly (that?s why I 
could use the Environment Variable and URL with J2EE-style JNDI ENC names) on 
the client side. However, according to Ingo KlÃckl, you can't access JNDI 
resources bound under the java:/ namespace. Here's an excerpt from Ingo 
KlÃckl's web page 


?java: is an ENC which is visible only in the JBoss VM. It holds references to 
objects which are only [sic] senseful in the JBoss environment, like data 
sources or other resources.?


So, the short answer is: you can?t access a JavaMail Session (a DataSource) 
from outside the container because JBoss binds this under its internal java: 
namespace, so you can?t access outside of JBoss? VM.


Duh! I should've remembered this sooner. If only I?d read my own research more 
closely and much sooner.



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