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I have found a problem that could cause you a serious headache...please flame me if I 
am wrong...

Some browsers will (mostly on a windows platform) cut short a connection request with 
an application server...Sometimes it is the server that can do this but whether the 
server or client closes the connection you don't really have any control over it! And 
here is the catch!!! Some browsers will then resend the POST/GET data without your 
intervention...what a headache...

The problem with this is the following!

1. Client posts data to servlet container over http.

2. Servlet reads client data from form details passed as arguments and calls an EJB 
with the details...the EJB stores the data to a table the EJB also returns a 
confirmation string which is to be sent back to the calling client wrapped up in some 
pretty html layout...

3. At point 2, at the end of the call to the EJB..."""THE TRANSACTION ENDS AND THE 

4. You now wrap up you request and return the data via the socket to the calling 

5. Midway through this IE or the server throw a wobbly and close the connection...

what happens next can be one of 2 things...

6. in some cases you will get an error returned to the browser but in other cases the 
browser will resend the request, especially if it was the browser that closed the 
connection in the first place! You can see where I am going with this can you 
not...repeat steps 2 onwards and you get 2 sets of data posted to the database...

7. The client will only receive one result page and will not be aware that the post as 
gone twice. I must admit that I have only observed this behaviour with IE but since it 
is on 95% of boxes outthere then It is cause for concern!!

How do you get round this...All I can think of is that you would have to abandon using 
an EJB and start a user transaction from within the servlet. The transaction can then 
complete on a finally clause after the socket connect closes finishing the request 
response...if the connection goes down you get an exception which you can the use to 
roll back the transaction...


The problem will also occur if you call EJBs over SOAP/ anyone else seen 
this issue...I have noticed similar posts on the web where people are getting double 
posts using JSP....and they are unable to explain it since they have disabled client 
side submit buttons...etc. 

This is a fundimental flaw with using EJBs over a web container...can you setup the 
web container to initiate the transaction??? If not, then what?

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