
I was wondering if it is possible to store something 
else than the username/passwd in the 'login' callbackhandler ?

or do you think I need to use a Subject ?
[I want to share the same 'login module' for
a set (currently 2 but later 3 or 4) 
of related applications]

I tried unsuccesfully to add an extra field in my handler  (client)
and passing an array of 3 callback request in my Login Module. (server)

But the handler  only receive an array of 2 callbacks ...
in fact, it seems that the handler in the client side is 
called before the request from the appserver loginmodule is triggered
and that the loginmodule then use the cached values from this default
handler which obviously retrieve only the username/passwd (I' m using

Am I wrong ?
If not is it possible to change this behaviour ?

thanks in advance 




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