
I am using JBoss Portal v2.2 (default package bundled with Jboss AS).

I am running a sample portlet, in which in EDIT mode the user gets a text field 
to set the portlet's title. I use a form (drawn in the doEdit() method), which 
action is obtained by calling RenderResponse.createActionUrl().

<form action=<Generated URL>>
 <input type=text name=title>
 <input type=submit>
< /form>

The URL generated looks something like this:


This is the way to do it according to all the literature i've read on this.

However, this did not work. When submitting the form, the query string was 
trunctuated, and the result was a URL that looks like this (I see this using 


And thus the request was never directed to the portlet by the portal. The only 
way for this to work was to manually add 2 (two) hidden inputs to the form as 

<form action=<Generated URL>>
  <input type=text name=title>

  <input type=hidden name="ctrl:cmd" value="action">
  <input type=hidden name="ctrl:window" value="default.myPage.myPortlet">

  <input type=submit>
< /form>

What did I do wrong?

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