Hi guys,

I have an implementation of WS-Reliable Messaging, which uses Axis and 
WebLogic.  I am trying to convert it to be open-source based, using JBoss as 
the WS container.

To do this, I need to generate code from my WSDL, which I then implement as a 
web service (using the standard ws-tools that JBoss supplies), which all works 
fine and dandy.

Problem is, however, that the WS-Reliable Messaging spec likes to include a 
ws:any in all of its elements to allow for additional XML structures (such as 
security tokens etc.) to be added as-and-when required.

This leads to web service code that fails to work under JBoss (as far as I can 
tell, having spent a few weeks looking/delving/trying/proving etc. before 
posting this).

I get  a stack overflow whenever I use a web service that has a ws:any type.  I 
have created a simple WSDL to try test this in isolation, and thought that I 
had found the answer on a previous forum posting, but to no no avail).

Here is the WSDL snippet that causes a problem:

  | <xs:complexType name="CreateTestOutputT">
  |  <xs:sequence>
  |   <xs:element name="createOutput" type="xs:string"/>
  |   <xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" 
  |  </xs:sequence>
  | </xs:complexType>
  | <xs:element name="CreateTestOutput" type="tns:CreateTestOutputT"/>

If the element CreateTestOutput is the return from a web service, then the call 
to it produces a stack overflow similar to this:

  |     at org.jboss.xb.binding.AttributesImpl.<init>(AttributesImpl.java:60)
  |     at org.jboss.xb.binding.AttributesImpl.<init>(AttributesImpl.java:42)
  |     at org.jboss.xb.binding.Content$StartElement.<init>(Content.java:303)
  |     at org.jboss.xb.binding.Content.startElement(Content.java:191)
  |     at 
  |     at 
  |     at 
  |     at 
  |     at 
  | ...
  | ...

I have set the maxOccurs to 1 in an attempt to stop wildcarding (which I 
thought was the problem, but it isn't).

I am now completely stuck, as I cannot use the original Axis generated code, so 
have nowhere else to go ...

Any help/thoughts etc. would be greatly appreciated.



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