
I'm trying trouble with monitoring and notifications.

I followed instructions found on jboss wikis to put a FreeMemory.
jboss-monitoring.xlm looks like this:

  |   <mbean code="org.jboss.monitor.alerts.ConsoleAlertListener" 
  |          name="jboss.alerts:service=ConsoleAlertListener">
  |     <attribute name="MessageTemplate"><![CDATA[%(MONITOR_NAME) was 
triggered for attribute %(ATTRIBUTE).]]></attribute>
  |     <attribute name="AlertName">Console Alert</attribute>
  |   </mbean>
  | <mbean code="org.jboss.monitor.ThresholdMonitor"
  |        name="jboss.monitor:service=FreeMemory">
  |   <attribute name="MonitorName">FreeMemory Monitor</attribute>
  |   <attribute name="ObservedObject">jboss.system:type=ServerInfo</attribute>
  |   <attribute name="ObservedAttribute">FreeMemory</attribute>
  |   <attribute name="Threshold">150000000</attribute>
  |   <attribute name="CompareTo">1</attribute>
  |   <attribute name="Period">1000</attribute>
  |   <attribute name="Enabled">true</attribute>
  |   <depends-list optional-attribute-name="AlertListeners">
  |   </depends-list>
  |   </mbean>
  | </server>

I intentionally put an high value for the threshold so i'm sure the free memory 
will be lower for each check. The problem i have is  that i receive only 1 
notification at the first check , then i no more get any notifictation (in the 
Can someone tell me whats wrong pls?

Jean Yves

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