I tried to execute the following query using JBoss declared-sql:
SELECT c.Status, Month(c.firstUsed), COUNT(c.serialNumber) FROM Card c WHERE 
c.status = 4 GROUP BY Month(c.firstUsed)

I have the following in the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml:


                < select >
                   < alias ><![CDATA[c]]>< /alias >
                   <additional-columns><![CDATA[, Month(c.firstUsed), 
                < /select >
                < where ><![CDATA[ c.status = 4 GROUP BY Month(c.firstUsed)]]>< 
/where >

And I have the following method in the Card Entity Bean:

* @ejb.home-method view-type="local"
public Collection ejbHomeCountCardsUsed() throws FinderException {
      return ejbSelectCountCardsUsed();
 * @ejb.select query=""
public abstract Collection ejbSelectCountCardsUsed() throws FinderException;

When I read from the Collection returned by ejbHomeCountCardsUsed(), I was only 
be able to get the c.Status value. How can I get the Month(c.firstUsed), 

Or is there any better way to implement this SELECT COUNT...GROUP BY query?

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