Finally I could get a CMP example working on JBOSS + ECLIPSE + JBOSS-IDE + XDOCLET 

I wanted to share the example with all of you.

package product.ejb;

import javax.ejb.EntityBean;
import javax.ejb.EntityContext;
import javax.ejb.CreateException;

import org.apache.log4j.Category;

import javax.ejb.RemoveException;
import javax.ejb.EJBException;
 * @ejb.bean name="Product"
 *           display-name="Product Bean"
 *           description="Entity Bean For Product Schema"
 *           jndi-name="ejb/Product"
 *           type="CMP"
 *           cmp-version="2.x"
 *           view-type="remote"
 *                       primkey-field= "id"
 * @ejb.finder
 *                      signature = "Product findByPrimaryKey(java.lang.Integer id)"
 *                      query = "Select Object(P) from Product P where"
 *                      transaction-type="NotSupported"
 * @ejb.finder
 *                      signature="java.util.Collection findAll()"
 *                      query="Select Object(P) from Product P" 
 *                      transaction-type="NotSupported"
 * @jboss-query
 *                      signature="Product findByPrimaryKey(java.lang.Integer id)"
 *                      query="Select Object(P) from Product P where"
 * @jboss-query
 *                      signature="Collection findAll()"
 *                      query="Select Object(P) from Product P"
 * @ejb.persistence
 *                      table-name="products"
public abstract class ProductBean implements EntityBean {
        //The entity bean lifeline
        private EntityContext ctx;
        //Tell your vows to this logger
        private Category log = Category.getInstance(getClass());
         * @throws CreateException
         * @ejb.create-method
        public Integer ejbCreate(Integer id, String name, Double price)
                                                throws CreateException
      "Adding product type <" + name + "> to database");
                return null;
        public void ejbPostCreate(Integer id, String name, Double price)
                                        throws CreateException
         * @ejb.interface-method
         * @ejb.persistence-field
         * @ejb.persistence column-name="id"
         *                                      jdbc-type="INTEGER"
         *                                      sql-type="INTEGER"
          public abstract Integer getId();
          public abstract void setId(Integer id);
           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           [EMAIL PROTECTED] column-name="name"
           *                             jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
           *                             sql-type = "VARCHAR(50)"
           public abstract String getName();
           public abstract void setName(String s);
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            [EMAIL PROTECTED] column-name="price"
            *                             jdbc-type="DOUBLE"
            *                             sql-type="DOUBLE" 
            public abstract Double getPrice();
            public abstract void setPrice(Double price);
            public void ejbRemove() throws RemoveException, EJBException
      "Remove :" + getName());
            public void setEntityContext(EntityContext ctx)
                this.ctx = ctx;
            public void unsetEntityContext()
            public void ejbActivate(){}
            public void ejbPassivate(){}
            public void ejbLoad(){}
            public void ejbStore(){}


Hope this will help new-bies.

My heartful thanks to JBOSS development team.

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