
I use JBoss IDE (XDoclet) to generate my CMP EJBs, and HSQQLDB as database.
I have 2 EJBs, Groups and Roles. A groups can have many roles and a role can have many 
groups. There is a relation table between them, GroupsRolesLink.

The first time I deploy them, the container creates the tables, the contraints and the 
indexes correctly.
The second time I deploy them, I have the following error 

  | 18:16:54,811 ERROR [EntityContainer] Starting failed
  | org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Error while creating table; - nested 
throwable: (java.sql.SQLException: Index already exists in statement [CREATE INDEX 
roleId_idx0 ON GroupsRolesLink (roleId)])
  |     at 
  |     at 
  | ...

Here are the descriptors generated by XDoclet.


  | <entity >
  |          <description><![CDATA[Entity bean that represents a role.]]></description>
  |          <display-name>Roles Entity</display-name>
  |          <ejb-name>Roles</ejb-name>
  |          <home>org.dyndns.bet4fun.interfaces.RolesHome</home>
  |          <remote>org.dyndns.bet4fun.interfaces.Roles</remote>
  |          <local-home>org.dyndns.bet4fun.interfaces.RolesLocalHome</local-home>
  |          <local>org.dyndns.bet4fun.interfaces.RolesLocal</local>
  |          <ejb-class>org.dyndns.bet4fun.entity.RolesCMP</ejb-class>
  |          <persistence-type>Container</persistence-type>
  |          <prim-key-class>org.dyndns.bet4fun.interfaces.RolesPK</prim-key-class>
  |          <reentrant>False</reentrant>
  |          <cmp-version>2.x</cmp-version>
  |          <abstract-schema-name>Roles</abstract-schema-name>
  |          <cmp-field >
  |             <description><![CDATA[Get the Id of the role]]></description>
  |             <field-name>roleId</field-name>
  |          </cmp-field>
  |          <cmp-field >
  |             <description><![CDATA[Get the name of the role]]></description>
  |             <field-name>name</field-name>
  |          </cmp-field>
  |          <cmp-field >
  |             <description><![CDATA[Get the description of the role]]></description>
  |             <field-name>description</field-name>
  |          </cmp-field>
  |          <query>
  |             <query-method>
  |                <method-name>findAll</method-name>
  |                <method-params>
  |                </method-params>
  |             </query-method>
  |             <ejb-ql><![CDATA[SELECT OBJECT(R) FROM Roles AS R]]></ejb-ql>
  |          </query>
  |       <!-- Write a file named ejb-finders-RolesBean.xml if you want to define 
extra finders. -->
  |       </entity>
  |       <entity >
  |          <description><![CDATA[Entity bean that represents a 
  |          <display-name>Groups Entity</display-name>
  |          <ejb-name>Groups</ejb-name>
  |          <home>org.dyndns.bet4fun.interfaces.GroupsHome</home>
  |          <remote>org.dyndns.bet4fun.interfaces.Groups</remote>
  |          <local-home>org.dyndns.bet4fun.interfaces.GroupsLocalHome</local-home>
  |          <local>org.dyndns.bet4fun.interfaces.GroupsLocal</local>
  |          <ejb-class>org.dyndns.bet4fun.entity.GroupsCMP</ejb-class>
  |          <persistence-type>Container</persistence-type>
  |          <prim-key-class>org.dyndns.bet4fun.interfaces.GroupsPK</prim-key-class>
  |          <reentrant>False</reentrant>
  |          <cmp-version>2.x</cmp-version>
  |          <abstract-schema-name>Groups</abstract-schema-name>
  |          <cmp-field >
  |             <description><![CDATA[Get the Id of the group]]></description>
  |             <field-name>groupId</field-name>
  |          </cmp-field>
  |          <cmp-field >
  |             <description><![CDATA[Get the name of the group]]></description>
  |             <field-name>name</field-name>
  |          </cmp-field>
  |          <cmp-field >
  |             <description><![CDATA[Get the description of the group]]></description>
  |             <field-name>description</field-name>
  |          </cmp-field>
  |          <query>
  |             <query-method>
  |                <method-name>findAll</method-name>
  |                <method-params>
  |                </method-params>
  |             </query-method>
  |             <ejb-ql><![CDATA[SELECT OBJECT(G) FROM Groups AS G]]></ejb-ql>
  |          </query>
  |       <!-- Write a file named ejb-finders-GroupsBean.xml if you want to define 
extra finders. -->
  |       </entity>
  | ...
  |    </relationships>
  |       <ejb-relation >
  |          <ejb-relation-name>GroupsRolesRelation</ejb-relation-name>
  |          <ejb-relationship-role >
  |             <ejb-relationship-role-name>RolesHasGroups</ejb-relationship-role-name>
  |             <multiplicity>Many</multiplicity>
  |             <relationship-role-source >
  |                <ejb-name>Roles</ejb-name>
  |             </relationship-role-source>
  |             <cmr-field >
  |                <cmr-field-name>groups</cmr-field-name>
  |                <cmr-field-type>java.util.Collection</cmr-field-type>
  |             </cmr-field>
  |          </ejb-relationship-role>
  |          <ejb-relationship-role >
  |             <ejb-relationship-role-name>GroupsHasRoles</ejb-relationship-role-name>
  |             <multiplicity>Many</multiplicity>
  |             <relationship-role-source >
  |                <ejb-name>Groups</ejb-name>
  |             </relationship-role-source>
  |             <cmr-field >
  |                <cmr-field-name>roles</cmr-field-name>
  |                <cmr-field-type>java.util.Collection</cmr-field-type>
  |             </cmr-field>
  |          </ejb-relationship-role>
  |       </ejb-relation>
  |    </relationships>

and jbosscmp-jdbc.xml

  | ...
  |   <relationships>
  |     <ejb-relation>
  |       <ejb-relation-name>GroupsRolesRelation</ejb-relation-name>
  |       <relation-table-mapping>
  |         <table-name>GroupsRolesLink</table-name>
  |           <create-table>true</create-table>
  |       </relation-table-mapping>
  |       <ejb-relationship-role>
  |           <ejb-relationship-role-name>RolesHasGroups</ejb-relationship-role-name>
  |           <fk-constraint>true</fk-constraint>
  |           <key-fields>
  |              <key-field>
  |                <field-name>roleId</field-name>
  |                <column-name>roleId</column-name>
  |              </key-field>
  |           </key-fields>
  |       </ejb-relationship-role>
  |       <ejb-relationship-role>
  |           <ejb-relationship-role-name>GroupsHasRoles</ejb-relationship-role-name>
  |           <fk-constraint>true</fk-constraint>
  |           <key-fields>
  |              <key-field>
  |                <field-name>groupId</field-name>
  |                <column-name>groupId</column-name>
  |              </key-field>
  |           </key-fields>
  |       </ejb-relationship-role>
  |     </ejb-relation>
  |   </relationships>

As there is an error on the deployment, my EJB is not deployed !
I don't undestand why this woks the first time and not the second one !
Can someone explains to me how JBoss works on that case, and what is the solution ?


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