I configured the server.xml file in tomcat inside jboss4.0.3sp1 with both 
keystore and truststore, respective pswds, and clientAuth="true". This enables 
dual ssl. However, it disables basic auth from any clients towards other web 
apps that don't require cert based auth. I was expecting that different 
webapps, running in different security domains, with diferent 
<auth-method>values (BASIC versus CLIENT-CERT) would be enough for the app 
server to know when to negociate client cert or not. Apparently it doesn't work 
like that.

I'm already used to not get many answers from this forum. Never know if my 
questions are to basic or to complex. Even so, I believe that this scenario 
should be common enough to work. However, if it's not supposed to work like 
that after all, I need to setup my different web apps in different tomcat 
connectors with different ssl cfgs. This step I don't know how to do, so if 
someone has any hints on any of these topics I would as always welcome them. 
Sincerely hope anyone can help me with this. No point in redirecting me to 
http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=SSLSetup either. Been there, done that 


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