Title: BASIC Auth with TomCat


I have experimented with JBoss JAAS a bit, and found a strange thing:

When I have set auth-method in the jmx-console.war to BASIC, no login window popped up, and I am just forwarded to index.jsp. (I have uncommented the security-constraint part above). If I set auth-method to DIGEST, I am unable to login. (I guess this is because I have no Base64/SHA/MD5 passwords in users.properties )

I am using 3.0.6 with TomCat 4.1.18.

I have looked at the class org.jboss.web.catalina.security. JBossSecurityMgrRealm, and most of the methods there do nothing. (Like digest authentication of X509 authentication.)

Could someody please tell me, how to make the login-window pop-up when using BASIC auth? (a simple war with BASIC auth runs fine in tomcat standalone)



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