I have been getting errors similar to this after several minutes of session

"Assigning instance of class $Proxy10 to field [the handle field I mention
next]; nested exception is: java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: ..."

The problem appears in the SessionBean of a JSP/SessionBean/CMPBean design.
The JSP creates the SessionBean through a <jsp:useBean... "session">
statement.  The SessionBean obtains a CMPBean that it will use at various
times during the session.  So it stores it in an instance variable (private)
as a Handle using the cmp.getHandle() method.  Later, on a subsequent method
call, the session bean, needing the cmp bean, sends the handle a
getEJBObect() message.  That is when the error occurs.

I suspect my design of hanging on to the CMP handle is the problem.  Should
I store the finder parameters instead, and retrieve the cmp object each time
rather than holding onto the handle?  Or is this some kind of
passivate/activate issue.

I am using j-boss2.2 / tomcat3.2.1 / apache 1.3.?.

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