1. JBOSS-2.2.1 + TOMCAT 3.2.1 as is out of the box.
2. Windows 2K and JDK1.3.0_02. and J2EE 1.3 beta.
3. MySQL 3.23.36 and mm driver 2.0.4.
Here is my problem, I deployed a simple stateless session bean with all the classes it needs in an XYZ.jar file.
1. The bean deploys ok.
2. My client can look up the bean and call the remote methods.
3. The bean can do a new A() which contains a reference to an instance of class B.
4. The bean can also do a new B() just ok.
5. A instance of A (which contains a reference to an instance of B) is stored as a LONGBLOB.
6. When I try to retrieve A using getObject(), and I get a ClassNotFoundError for B.
7. Note that new B() worked fine.
8. Running a regular JDBC client test program, I could retrieve the BLOB and rebuild A just fine.
9. Yes, I supplied a serialUid using serialver.
What's the problem? 
By the way, out of frustration, I dropped the entire bean jar file in lib/ext, and all of a sudden,Jboss could no longer locate the JDBC data sources...it kept saying that there was no binding for the name.  Removing the bean jar file from lib/ext killed this last problem.

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