I'm running into a problem deploying Jetspeed under both JBoss-Jetty and
JBoss-Catalina.  The Jetspeed webapp appears to be deploying correctly,
but I get "Error fetching pane" messages in the Jetspeed web UI, and I
see the following errors in the Jetspeed logs:

[Tue Feb 19 11:19:56 PST 2002] -- ERROR -- Could not unmarshal:
     Exception:  org.exolab.castor.mapping.MappingException: Nested
error: org.exolab.castor.mapping.MappingException: Could not find the
class org.apache.jetspeed.services.registry.RegistryFragment

Some research reveals that
org.apache.jetspeed.services.registry.RegistryFragment is in fact in the
jetspeed-1.3a2-release.jar archive in my


So, it looks to me like this is some kind of classpath/classloader
problem.  Has anyone had this problem and solved it?  Any other ideas?
  I found that I had to copy the castor jar file from Jetspeed into
jboss/lib/ext, and that got rid of a few exceptions but I'm still left
with the problem above.


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