Please ignore my last post...I see that overriding a method with a
blank method really messes things up for object serialization... :-)
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Meldorf (NBK)
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 3:55 PM
Subject: Passing structures to an ejb

I am working on an application where I am trying to pass a non ejb ojbect to an EJB.
I have a session bean that I am trying to pass the following "structure" to my session
import java.util.*;
/** This is basically a file of structs that we will use in the
    Po app -- If you are a hard core Java OOP guy please go away :-) **/
public class PoType implements Serializable {
 public AddressType billToAddress;
 public AddressType vendorAddress;
 public AddressType shipToAddress;
 public int ID;
 public String poNumber;
 public String yourName;
 public String yourPhone;
 public String name;
 public String phone;
 public Date dateOfOrder;
 public String departmentNo;
 public String generalLedgerNumber;
 public Date dateRequested;
 public Vector items;  // contains ItemType objects OrderItem
    public float poTotal;
 public String comments;
 private void writeObject( out)
     throws IOException {}
    private void readObject( in)
     throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {}
From a client I basically call the session ejb:
PoType po = new PoType();
...add all the stuff to the object
boolean test = tester.add(po);
When my ejb gets the object all the fields are null. What am I missing here?
Can you not pass non-ejb objects around? Please help.

Kevin Meldorf
Systems Analyst
WorldTravel BTI
400 Skokie Blvd
Northbrook, IL 60062
Phone: (847) 480-8340

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