

I’m using the Tomcat server which comes with jboss.  I’m having a problem with jboss login using jaas via jsp.  I successfully manage to login using jaas.  The “System.out.println(userPrincipalName);” in the jsp snippet returns “test”, all well and good so far.  This then calls getUser() in the ejb snippet at the bottom of this mail.  The “System.out.println(ctx.getCallerPrincipal().getName());” called in the ejb snippet below returns “nobody” though.


I’m not sure if the system is only logging the user into Tomcat or if it is because there are no <method-permission> tags in the ejb-jar.xml.  I don’t need security for my beans yet but for ctx.getCallerPrincipal() to work does the bean need a method permission tag with unchecked instead of a role name?  If the system is only logging the user into Tomcat is there a way to pass this login info on?


Any help would be much appreciated.


Thanks in advance,


Neil Mendoza

--------------------------------------jsp snippet--------------------------------------

            String user="test";

            String pass="test";



                        UsernamePasswordHandler handler = new UsernamePasswordHandler(user, pass.toCharArray());

                        LoginContext loginContext = new LoginContext("ias-login", handler);




                                    String userPrincipalName = ((Principal) loginContext.getSubject().getPrincipals().iterator().next()).getName();

                                    if (userPrincipalName == null) System.out.println("name is null!");

                                    else System.out.println(userPrincipalName);



                                    UserValue userValue = UserManagerUtil.getLocalHome().create().getUser();


                                    session.setAttribute("myUserValue", userValue);





                                    <jsp:forward page="./index.jsp?action="" />




                        catch (javax.ejb.FinderException e)


                                    errorMessage = "The login details you entered were valid with jaas but not with ias.";




            catch (javax.security.auth.login.LoginException e)


                        errorMessage = "The login details you entered were not valid.";


-----------------------------------end of jsp------------------------------------------------------


----------------------------------------------------ejb snippet---------------------------------------------------------------



     * Get the "logged-in" user from the caller principal


     * @return The logged-in user.

     * @ejb.interface-method view-type="both"

     * @ejb.transaction type="Required"


    public UserValue getUser() throws FinderException  {

            try {

                UserLocalHome cHome = UserUtil.getLocalHome();


                UserLocal ul = cHome.findByUserName(ctx.getCallerPrincipal().getName());

                return (UserValue) ul.getUserValue();

            } catch ( NamingException ne ) {

                throw new EJBException("An error occurred while connecting to the Application Server.", ne );





---------------------------------------------------end of ejb----------------------------------------------------------------

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