On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 18:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> You consider it ugly, I consider it facts.

That makes it ugly facts.

> I asked on this list why Axis wasn't working and I got nothing. I went
> to the JBoss forums where I found out you had to get the source and
> recompile in order to get it working.

Now consider this, the Axis stuff weren't even in JBoss when I started
using JBoss.  And one day, after downloading an interim point release of
JBoss, I found the axis.jar in there.  And I said to myself, "Somebody
is interested in integrating this stuff into JBoss.  Great!  Maybe I'll
start using it when it is done."

Apparently it is not done.  And it's quite a struggle to get it to
working.  So what, it's progress.  If the thing really solves peoples
problems (rather than satisfy a frivolous useless feature check mark for
marketards), it will get used, and the bugs worked out.

> I didn't have to do anything like that for Orion, WebSphere, the
> defunct Borland offering, or WebLogic.

Well, JBoss is an Open Source project, and those products aren't.  And
JBoss commands a critical mass now.  All of these means that whatever
shortcomings JBoss may have now, if it impacts a lot of people, will be
eliminated in a relatively short period of time.

> > I find your destructive stance of leaning back and expecting
> > everything to run out of the box (without compilation) extremely
> > odd. 
> I don't find it odd at all.
> I used Ant right out of the box, as I did Struts, Tomcat, Apache,
> JUnit....

I use JBoss out of the box.

It all depends on which portion of the product you are using.

> I'm doing this work on my limited spare time. If I had the time to
> contribute, I would. As it stands, I don't see JBoss as being a
> production ready tool.

List ten concrete things in JBoss that's not working for you, and I'll
see if I can contribute some of my also limited spare time to fix it up
for you.

[Note that I'm not an official JBoss developer.  I'm just a user who
sees a chance to give something back to the community, and potentially
help a frustrated would be JBoss user.]

Weiqi Gao

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