[JBoss-user] RE: CompositeName and JBoss 3.0.4

2003-01-06 Thread Michael Huneycutt
Scott, I understand that the CompositeName is suppose to be used for names that span Namespaces, but is appears that in all cases TopLink generates CompositeNames. The name that I am passing into their JNDIConnector is "java:/XATestDS", however I wrote a simple test and it does not matter

[JBoss-user] RE: CompositeName and JBoss 3.0.4

2003-01-06 Thread Michael Huneycutt
Dain, If you want to learn more about CompositeName and CompoundName you can read about it in most discussions on JNDI. Basically a compound name is a name that does not span multiple namespace and works within a single heirachical naming systems, and a composite name is one that spans multi