> Pedro,
> Well it seems to me that the problem occurs here:
> 15:26:16,111 ERROR [STDERR]
> file:/tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8080__webmail/webapp/WEB-INF/i18n/
> I think you are running into file access problems here.
> Something you could try is to place the jwma data directory outside of the
> WAR/respectively deployed war.
> The important contents are
> WEB-INF/i18n (Readable by JBoss executing user)
> WEB-INF/etc (Readable by JBoss executing user)
> WEB-INF/data (directory only, read and writeable by JBoss executing user)
> WEB-INF/log (directory only, read and writeable by JBoss executing user)
> Then you have to change the web.xml (Webapp descriptor) to have following
> entries in the init-params:
> <init-param>
>   <param-name>container</param-name>
>   <param-value>2.0</param-value>
> </init-param>
> <init-param>
>   <param-name>location</param-name>
>   <param-value>/absolute/path/to/your/jwma/data/directory</param-value>
> </init-param>
> This will make jwma work with the absolute location, and probably prevent
> the problem on startup.

Well, this hasn't changed the problem, but I found out some more things:
It seems jboss's logging gets totally redirected to file called jwma.log
(this must be an issue with the log4j setings somewhere).

Now, in this file, we got the all the exception report it was missing..
I'll attach the full file, but I think these first lines must have the key
for this:

2003-02-27 18:45:47,186 [ScannerThread] INFO  dtw.webmail.JwmaKernel -
Prepared and ready for logging.
2003-02-27 18:45:47,483 [ScannerThread] ERROR
org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer - could not start deployment:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xml/serialize/XMLSerializer


I wonder if this brings light to the problem?

Joao Clemente

Attachment: jwma_log.zip
Description: Zip archive

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