Please help me:
    I met a big problem when I use Struts and EJB together to build a J2EE System.
    At first, I used Jboss3+tomcat, I made a war file including all needed files, but 
I got a Exception:
      java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/struts/action/ActionForm
             at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
    Then I changed to use Jboss3+Jetty, got the same Exception. But, I find a attibute 
in Jetty's jboss-service.xml called "Java2ClassLoadingCompliance", and I
 found if I set this to be false, it would work correctly.
     I thought this time I could have a good rest, but.... I found my EJBs were
 all mad! I can't cast them correctly, I always got ClassCastException when I tried to 
narrow the object looked up from JNDI tree. I spent many many time trying to find a 
answer, but I thought god must doesn't like me:( 
     What made me mad is that when I changed the "Java2ClassLoadingCompliance" 
attribute back to true, and tried my EJBs from a jsp without Struts, they all worked 
     I did more experiment then, tried to deploy more wars/ears I found from the net, 
which are all proved to be able to work well. But, the problem were always
 be with me!
     I think maybe it because I don't understand classloader mechanism well, maybe 
some other reasons. Everyone please help me!
     I'm using:
               jdk1.4 from sun without any parser from third party.
               Windows xp professional
     I've tried :
     I intend to use:
 So, I'm eagering for anybody's help, and thank you all first.

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