
I had been fooling around with a small benchmark of my code (remote
client calls session bean calls entity bean, a little db i/o) and trying
to figure out why it was so darn slow (100 xactions in 70 seconds).  I
stripped the code down to a simple round trip between the jboss server
and a client in another VM with little improvement but then killed
setiathome (which I had running "nice" in the background) and the
full-blown code (after I put back the database I/O) did 100 xactions in
15-16 seconds.

This is debian linux (potato), sun jdk 1.3.0, jboss 2.2 on a 1.2G athlon
with 256M memory.  Everything's swimming, no swapping.

The solution is easy enough ("doctor it hurts when I do this" "don't do
that"), and therefore not terribly critical but I'm curious if anyone
knows why setiathome and java should have such a cat fight.  I can't
remember any other application running any slower with seti in the

Toby Cabot

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