Well, it seems solved  :)

In 'Main.java', method 'public static void main(String arg[])',
before the 'try{ ... }' sentence we should write the following:


I think there are more ways to do the same, but it works!
Now i wonder:
is the 'Main.java' a wrong file? or perhaps,
did i forget any deployment file?

Jaume Soriano Sivera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tel: 965040000 -ext. 44744 Fax: 965040047
Portal y servicios multimedia - Nuevas tecnologias
W a n a d o o E s p a n a - http://www.wanadoo.es


24/04/01 12:27
Please respond to jboss-user

        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        RE: [JBoss-user] About TOPIC_FACTORY on MDB's sample (1 more time : )

Chris wrote:

>>This looks like an error in that you have not defined the jndi settings - do
>>you have a jndi.properties file?

>>It should be on your classpath of the client and look something like this;

Hi Chris! : that's not the problem. My 'jdni.properties' file is Ok!

A pair of clues, in my 'ejb-jar.xml' file:

* I have had problems with the tag:


  is not recognized by the parser (it fails when i deploy the application):

  i have changed by


* ...Moreover, can not label 'DurableTopicBean' the tag <ejb-name>...

 in section '<assembly-descriptor>'. The only way to deploy my bean

 is labeling as tag <ejb-name> in the 'message-driver' section.

More clues:

To run my 'Main.class' file i do the following:

java  -classpath  jboss-client.jar:jbs.jar:jbosssx-client.jar  Main


Jaume Soriano Sivera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tel: 965040000 -ext. 44744 Fax: 965040047
Portal y servicios multimedia - Nuevas tecnologias
W a n a d o o E s p a n a - http://www.wanadoo.es

"Kimpton,C (Chris)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

24/04/01 10:23
Please respond to jboss-user

       To:        "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


       Subject:        RE: [JBoss-user] About TOPIC_FACTORY on MDB's sample (1 more time : )


-----Original Message-----

> "javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify class name in
> or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application
resource file:
> java.naming.factory.initial





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