
> In remote interface of my entity bean I declare toString 
> function throws
> RemoteException, but get error in compilation.
> //Company.java
> public interface Company extends javax.ejb.EJBObject {
>       public String toString()
>               throws RemoteException;
> }
> // error
> "Company.java": Error #: 462 :
>       method toString() in interface
> com.filonet.filosafe.server.ejb.company.Company cannot 
> override      method
> toString() in         class java.lang.Object, overridden 
> method does not throw
> java.rmi.RemoteException at line 10, column 19
> It's strange because of I can compile it with Sun's JDK 1.3.0_02

I would say, that _this_ is strange. This violates the Java language
specification. You cannot override method and _add_ exceptions to its
signature. This is because, if some of the code that uses your superclass
has no try/catch clause, your exception will go up and so on. 

So, what you do, is _not_ legal.


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