Forget it, it was a problem with the name of the MBean interface. I've tested it and you can register your own MBean EJB from the constructor itself. Once again i'm impressed with JBoss.

----- Original Message -----
>From: "Alberto Rodriguez Galdo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 9:56 AM
>Subject: [JBoss-user] Exposing EJB atributes via JMX

>I want to expose certain atributes of a Message Driven Bean as a Standard
>MBean so in the constructor of the MDB i put this code:

>List listaServidores = MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null);
>MBeanServer servidor = (MBeanServer)listaServidores.iterator().next();
>try {
>ObjectName name = new ObjectName("test:nombre=IntegracionMDB");
>} catch (Exception e){

>Obviously the MDB class implements a MBean interface, showing only one
>method getInfo() which prints some info on the console.
>The problem is that when jboss instantiates the MDB it gives
>me " class does not expose a
>management interface" seems that i can't register a MBean on the server
>from the mbean itself? ¿What do you think?


>Alberto Rodriguez Galdo ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Centro de Innovación y Servicios de Galicia (CIS Galicia)
>Dpto. de Telemática
>Telf.-981102100, ext.1018

Alberto Rodriguez Galdo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Centro de Innovación y Servicios de Galicia (CIS Galicia) Dpto. de Telemática Telf.-981102100, ext.1018

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