Dear Jabber devs

We're holding an XMPP sprint (aka hackathon) in Düsseldorf on the weekend of
the 17th and 18th of November at the Chaosdorf clubhouse.

Chaosdorf is the local chapter of the Chaos Computer Club.

Anyone who is interested in hacking on XMPP/Jabber stuff is welcome and
encouraged to join us!

You can work on your own XMPP-related project or offer your assistance to 
Don't worry, there will definitely be something to do ;)

One of the great things about sprints is the opportunity for collaboration and
to bounce ideas off one another.

More info is available on the Wiki:

If you're planning on attending and have an idea of what you'd like to work on,
please add it under the "Agenda".

Thanks and see you in Düsseldorf!

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