Branch: refs/heads/master
  Commit: ab7d906094205400aa03e6aa2e5a1069842dfe20
  Author: Mark Waite <>
  Date:   2024-06-22 (Sat, 22 Jun 2024)

  Changed paths:
    M msi/build/jenkins.wxs
    M msi/build/jenkins_en-US.wxl

  Log Message:
  Fix incorrect conditional in Java 17 version check (#475)

Conditional was checking that the JAVA_EXE_VERSION = "17" when it should
have been checking JAVA_EXE_VERSION <> "17" like the line before it and
the line after it.

Also fixed the inconsistent name of the property.  All the other
properties related to JAVA_HOME are prefixed with JavaHome.  This one
was prefixed with JavaJome.

Testing done:

Confirmed that the expected error message is displayed when I choose a
Java directory with Java 8.

Confirmed that the expected error message is displayed when I choose a
Java directory that does not contain Java.

Confirmed that no error message is displayed when I choose a Java
directory with Java 11 or Java 17 or Java 21.

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