more developers with Java
knowledge/background? Or some other reason?
I would like to know these answers for research purposes.
Best regards,
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I've a question. I'm working on plugin which will match different multi
configuration builds, using different git branches and push artifacts to
remote repo.
So I've multiple label/slaves to run on different platforms, like
axis=PLATFORM, node-4 with label RHEL5_64 and RHEL5_64_DEC.
In ma
but can't
commit without "--all". Is there a way to inject --all to commit? if not,
if and how can I change working directory so git will commit my change?
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know how to make jenkins to triger single configuration build on
scm poll trigger, and not all configurations
As i said, i'm new to jenkins (and java) so any thoughts and suggestions
would be much appreciated.
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I’m Adrian and I have an issue
i have a very big jenkins instance
somewhere like 1500 jobs
18 slaves
and i have an old version
after i upgrade to version newer then 1.481 from stable i have a lot of
problems with loadinf view ALL or other view