Hello once again,

Should I report bug about that?


On 10 September 2012 12:02, Alexander Potapov <outro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Haven't seen this problem when I had one build process. Thus, we cannot
> take into account the case of one Maven process for sure.
> In my setup I increased the number of build executors. By default it is 2,
> I have 5.
> All jobs in my Jenkins are interconnected, they have Maven dependencies
> specified what is not uncommon. I believe it is something to do with
> Jenkins.
> It gives possibility to have multiple build processes at the same time on
> the same machine. And it fails to perform that.
> Br,
> Alexander.
> On 7 September 2012 18:40, Jesse Glick <jgl...@cloudbees.com> wrote:
>> On 09/07/2012 08:15 AM, Alexander Potapov wrote:
>>> SIGBUS (0x7) at pc=0x00007ffae80661b0, pid=26833, tid=140715262596864
>>> J  java.util.zip.ZipFile.**getEntry(JLjava/lang/String;Z)**J
>>> J  java.util.zip.ZipFile.**getEntry(Ljava/lang/String;)**
>>> Ljava/util/zip/ZipEntry;
>>> j  org.eclipse.jdt.internal.**compiler.classfmt.**
>>> ClassFileReader.read(Ljava/**util/zip/ZipFile;Ljava/lang/**
>>> String;Z)Lorg/eclipse/jdt/**internal/compiler/classfmt/**
>>> ClassFileReader;+2
>> This Java code (in JDT) is trying to read classes from a JAR file which
>> has been, or is being, overwritten (probably by the same Maven process)
>> with a newer version since the JAR was opened. Oracle-derived JVMs use
>> libzip.so/dll (rather than pure Java code) to implement ZipFile, and
>> this library was not designed to handle ZIP files being replaced “under its
>> feet”. I have repeatedly advocated that ZipFile use a more robust pure Java
>> implementation (leaving libzip for use only by HotSpot loading the
>> bootclasspath, which is expected to be immutable), but no one in the Java
>> team seems to consider this a priority, so do not expect it to be fixed
>> unless someone pushes it from OpenJDK. In the meantime the workarounds,
>> insofar as you can control the code immediately involved in the bug, are:
>> 1. Prevent the JAR from being overwritten.
>> 2. Rather than reading the JAR “in-place”, make a temporary copy
>> (File.createTempFile/**deleteOnExit) and open that instead.
>> Note that this bug does not occur on Windows—mandatory file locking means
>> that if the ZipFile is open for reading, any attempt to overwrite (or
>> delete) it will fail with an IOException or the like.

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