Hello all,

   I would like to ask for the merge rights on 
https://github.com/jenkinsci/instant-messaging-plugin/ and 
https://github.com/jenkinsci/ircbot-plugin as others and myself have done a 
number of PRs for them (community reviews would also be very welcome!) with 
improvements that work for us locally - but at a risk of discrepancy 
when/if the upstream plugins march on without these changes, and also the 
user community at large does not yet benefit from the working solutions 
(and we don't benefit from someone discovering glaring bugs and omissions 
;) ).

   Just as well, if anyone more qualified with Java (I am not confident 
reviewing other people's PRs in matters that I don't understand well) and 
with more time available than myself would step up to *really *maintain 
these plugins and review code submissions, I'm all for it. As before, my 
github and Jenkins LDAP and Jenkins JIRA accounts are all "jimklimov".

   Aside from some of my improvements to make the IRCbot interface for 
build monitoring and management a bit better, there is the pipeline 
integration for instant messaging (IRC works for us, there is also a stale 
Jabber PR at https://github.com/jenkinsci/jabber-plugin/pull/18 that got 
out of sync - I used its codebase for IRC so can say the logic works, but 
we don't have a server to test or use the solution against).

   The currently assigned instant-messaging and ircbot plugin maintainer 
Christoph Kutzinski @kutzi signed off in 
https://github.com/jenkinsci/ircbot-plugin/pull/21 suggesting to ask here 
on the list:

>  I'm still listed as maintainer for this plugin, but I'm not really 
acting anymore - sorry.
 As I'm not part of the jenkins-dev mailing list anymore, I cannot even ask 
to remove me as maintainer from the wiki page ... That being said: I think 
you'll have the best chances if you ask on the jenkins-dev mailing list for 
support. Maybe someone else wants to step up as the maintainer? Maybe you 
want to?

   Of other recent committers/releasers, Oliver Gondža wrote he is not a 
maintainer but just technically made latest releases of these plugins, and 
I do not have information about disposition of Drew DeVault (CCed) except 
that there were no replies on ircbot PRs open for many weeks now ;)

   The Jabber plugin mentioned above is, I believe, actively maintained by 
@Flowdalic (also CCed for completeness).

Thanks for listening,
Jim Klimov

PS: This is a re-post of a message I tried to send from another account, so 
there I CC'ed
  Drew DeVault <s...@cmpwn.com>, Florian Schmaus <f...@geekplace.eu>
by addresses I found from their GitHub accounts.

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