[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-21617) List Subversion Tags job parameter wants svn credentials but there is no way to fill it
Matthias Kolonko edited
[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-21645) Upgrading to Subversion plugin 2.0 causes svn integration to break
Stanislav Usenkov
[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-21617) List Subversion Tags job parameter wants svn credentials but there is no way to fill it
Matthias Kolonko edited
[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-21617) List Subversion Tags job parameter wants svn credentials but there is no way to fill it
Matthias Kolonko edited
[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-21617) List Subversion Tags job parameter wants svn credentials but there is no way to fill it
Matthias Kolonko
[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-21617) List Subversion Tags job parameter wants svn credentials but there is no way to fill it
Matthias Kolonko
[JIRA] [gui] (JENKINS-21677) Jenkins becomes unresponsive after saving (job) settings
Oleg Nenashev
[JIRA] [ldap] (JENKINS-21263) LDAP Authentication success, group discovery success but return to login with no error
Arnon Segal
[JIRA] [jira] (JENKINS-21678) Help - using Jira plugin to move closed issues to another release
Roger Lay
[JIRA] [gui] (JENKINS-21677) Jenkins becomes unresponsive after saving (job) settings
Frank K comm
[JIRA] [gui] (JENKINS-21677) Jenkins becomes unresponsive after saving (job) settings
Oleg Nenashev
[JIRA] [gui] (JENKINS-21677) Jenkins becomes unresponsive after saving (job) settings
Frank K upda
[JIRA] [gui] (JENKINS-21677) Jenkins becomes unresponsive after saving (job) settings
Frank K comm
[JIRA] [gui] (JENKINS-21677) Jenkins becomes unresponsive after saving (job) settings
Oleg Nenashev
[JIRA] [integrity-plugin] (JENKINS-21638) PTC integrity plugin: version 1.22, download from MKS only folder without any file
Pawel Laprus
[JIRA] [gui] (JENKINS-21677) Jenkins becomes unresponsive after saving (job) settings
Frank K
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20461) Git Plugin 2.0: fails to clone repo
Mark Wai
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-17769) GitSCM.skipTag is broken in GitPublisher
Mark Wai
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-17769) GitSCM.skipTag is broken in GitPublisher
Mark Wai
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20258) Git plugin with checkout to subdir and prune stale branches fails all builds
Mark Wai
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20258) Git plugin with checkout to subdir and prune stale branches fails all builds
Mark Wai
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20258) Git plugin with checkout to subdir and prune stale branches fails all builds
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [confluence-publisher] (JENKINS-21104) Confluence Publisher Plugin ignores Jenkins proxy settings
Markus Helm
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20258) Git plugin with checkout to subdir and prune stale branches fails all builds
Mark Waite edited a com
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-17211) HTTP authentication is not possible with JGit implementation of git-client plugin
Mark Wai
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-17211) HTTP authentication is not possible with JGit implementation of git-client plugin
Mark Wai
[JIRA] [git-client] (JENKINS-18995) GIT changelog shows all changes since first day
Mark Wai
[JIRA] [git-client] (JENKINS-19442) git-client plugin does not push back changes to origin, even though it looks like it
Mark Wai
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-10767) Jenkins stuck in build loop
Mark Wai
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-12316) git plugin should NOT tag every build by default
Mark Wai
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-12316) git plugin should NOT tag every build by default
Mark Wai
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-17359) Git plugin: add 'clean before checkout' option
Mark Wai
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-18343) Another O(n^2) algorithm creates 100% CPU usage
Mark Wai
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-17080) Jenkins fails to start after restart
Michael Lotz edited a c
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-17080) Jenkins fails to start after restart
Michael Lotz
[JIRA] [utplsql] (JENKINS-21657) utplsql Plugin 0.5 utassert.isnull is not correctly parsed when comparing with null
kusemuckl co
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20356) Git CLI cannot clone on Windows using GIT_SSH to set credentials when running as a service
Mark Waite u
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20896) Git 2.0: fast remote polling fails (missing in-URL password)
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-21019) Git Plugin NullPointerException with https protocol
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-21110) Git Publisher fails because remote.origin.url is not set
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-21110) Git Publisher fails because remote.origin.url is not set
Mark Waite edited a com
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-21215) Git Plugin 2.0 clones partial git config file
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20969) When branch build parameter is '*', '**' or empty, a stale revision is built
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-21488) Remote Polling Broken When Using Credentials
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-21454) GitHub push hook fails due to credential helper
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-15103) jenkins slave process does not let go of .git\objects\pack\*.pack file causeing "Unable to delete" when wiping workspace
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [git-client] (JENKINS-21652) Building at each git-client polling interval even when no changes present
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-15103) jenkins slave process does not let go of .git\objects\pack\*.pack file causeing "Unable to delete" when wiping workspace
Mark Waite u
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-15103) jenkins slave process does not let go of .git\objects\pack\*.pack file causeing "Unable to delete" when wiping workspace
Mark Waite edited a com
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20318) Security leak - passwords are visible in workspace (git / http)
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-21163) Git server plugin blocks Jenkins startup
Mark Waite edited a com
[JIRA] [git-client] (JENKINS-21652) Building at each git-client polling interval even when no changes present
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [git-client] (JENKINS-21652) Building at each git-client polling interval even when no changes present
jason robinson edited a
[JIRA] [git-client] (JENKINS-21652) Building at each git-client polling interval even when no changes present
jason robinson
[JIRA] [git-client] (JENKINS-21652) Building at each git-client polling interval even when no changes present
jason robinson
[JIRA] [git-client] (JENKINS-21652) Building at each git-client polling interval even when no changes present
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [git-client] (JENKINS-21652) Building at each git-client polling interval even when no changes present
jason robinson
[JIRA] [git-client] (JENKINS-21652) Building at each git-client polling interval even when no changes present
jason robinson edited a
[JIRA] [git-client] (JENKINS-21652) Building at each git-client polling interval even when no changes present
jason robinson edited a
[JIRA] [git-client] (JENKINS-21652) Building at each git-client polling interval even when no changes present
jason robinson edited a
[JIRA] [git-client] (JENKINS-21652) Building at each git-client polling interval even when no changes present
jason robinson
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-21163) Git server plugin blocks Jenkins startup
Mark Waite u
[JIRA] [git-client] (JENKINS-21652) Building at each git-client polling interval even when no changes present
jason robinson
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20512) Git Plugin 2.0: Failure on Git Polling Log when using option "Branches to build" on Git Plugin for Jenkins
Mark Wai
[JIRA] [git-client] (JENKINS-21652) Building at each git-client polling interval even when no changes present
Mark Waite edited a com
[JIRA] [git-client] (JENKINS-21652) Building at each git-client polling interval even when no changes present
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [git-client] (JENKINS-21652) Building at each git-client polling interval even when no changes present
jason robinson
[JIRA] [git-client] (JENKINS-21652) Building at each git-client polling interval even when no changes present
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [promoted-builds] (JENKINS-21676) Unable to promote a build when the workspace is currently being used
Andrew Knapp
[JIRA] [promoted-builds] (JENKINS-21676) Unable to promote a build when the workspace is currently being used
Andrew Kn
[JIRA] [email-ext] (JENKINS-21672) Need "Pre-send Script" to support "classpath" options
Alex Earl co
[JIRA] [log-parser] (JENKINS-10237) console log parser compresses whitespace, could assist user by showing regex converter
Edwin Castro
[JIRA] [findbugs] (JENKINS-21155) swarm 1.10 incompatibility with findbugs 4.51
Ulli Hafner
[JIRA] [ghprb] (JENKINS-18737) ghprb - Check pull requests for specific branch only
Ray Senn
[JIRA] [jenkins-multijob-plugin] (JENKINS-21675) Concurrent multijob build runs incorrectly link to the latest dependent build run.
David Twe
[JIRA] [purge-build-queue] (JENKINS-21674) After purging, the user should be taken back to the main (home) page
Patrice M
[JIRA] [accurev] (JENKINS-6485) Accurev sometimes fails to export the ACCUREV_LAST_TRANSACTION variable, causing build to fail
Joshua S
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-21673) Sort groups on user index page alphabetically
Daniel Be
[JIRA] [email-ext] (JENKINS-21672) Need "Pre-send Script" to support "classpath" options
Frank Mer
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-21414) PermGen space OOME triggered on use of Jenkins GUI
Stuart Strickland
[JIRA] [findbugs] (JENKINS-21155) swarm 1.10 incompatibility with findbugs 4.51
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [findbugs] (JENKINS-21155) swarm 1.10 incompatibility with findbugs 4.51
Ulli Hafner
[JIRA] [findbugs] (JENKINS-21155) swarm 1.10 incompatibility with findbugs 4.51
Ulli Hafner
[JIRA] [support-core] (JENKINS-21670) Option to anonymize customer labels
Jesse Gli
[JIRA] [support-core] (JENKINS-21671) Summarize Stapler bound objects
Jesse Gli
[JIRA] [support-core] (JENKINS-21669) Show ulimit -a
Jesse Gli
[JIRA] [support-core] (JENKINS-21668) Show root certificates
Jesse Gli
[JIRA] [junit-attachments] (JENKINS-20737) Attached files appear in list, but throw a "404 Not Found" when attempting to view them
Jonathan Rogers
[JIRA] [performance-plugin] (JENKINS-21665) Add Parser/Support For Output From wrk
John Murray
[JIRA] [perforce] (JENKINS-21498) Use Upstream Project revision does not seem to be working correctly
Andrew Barnish
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-17265) Builds disappearing from history
Alex Ouzounis
[JIRA] [gerrit-trigger] (JENKINS-21036) NullPointerException in StreamWatchdog when trying to stop/restart
Vlad Dovlekaev
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-21163) Git Plugin causes Jenkins to stop working
C. Alex Reober
[JIRA] [testng] (JENKINS-20438) Make it an option to show failed builds in trend graph
Doug Stewart
[JIRA] [maven] (JENKINS-21554) NPE after "Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data"
Daniel Tehranian
[JIRA] [findbugs] (JENKINS-21155) swarm 1.10 incompatibility with findbugs 4.51
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20767) Git plugin 2.0: Git polling causes builds even if no changes
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [performance-plugin] (JENKINS-21665) Add Parser/Support For Output From wrk
John Murray
[JIRA] [jdepend] (JENKINS-17172) JDepend - handle multi project builds and wildcards paths
Adam Kaufman edited a c
[JIRA] [jdepend] (JENKINS-17172) JDepend - handle multi project builds and wildcards paths
Adam Kaufman