[JIRA] (JENKINS-52929) [Jenkins] [ParallelExecution] Failed to run test on devices if deviceID contain capital letter
Title: Message Title Daniel Gront updated
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52919) Client secret not masked in build log when using withCredentials([azureServicePrincipal(id)])
Title: Message Title Jie Shen commented on
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52919) Client secret not masked in build log when using withCredentials([azureServicePrincipal(id)])
Title: Message Title Jie Shen updated an i
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52618) [Jenkins] [Critical] 'Launcher timeout' error happened during jenkins job running
Title: Message Title Daniel Gront closed a
[JIRA] (JENKINS-47891) Bitbucket branch source plugin does not understand the new Bitbucket webhooks
Title: Message Title Joseph Petersen edite
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52912) Max connections to Kubernetes API fails to validate with "This URL requires POST"
Title: Message Title Vidya Subramanyam com
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52785) Multi Architecture Docker image
Title: Message Title Priya Seth commented
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52949) Email-ext 's field "Project from" will cause a 550 sending email error
Title: Message Title David van Laatum comm
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52949) Email-ext 's field "Project from" will cause a 550 sending email error
Title: Message Title yunhua li updated an
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52949) Email-ext 's field "Project from" will cause a 550 sending email error
Title: Message Title yunhua li created an
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52618) [Jenkins] [Critical] 'Launcher timeout' error happened during jenkins job running
Title: Message Title Mia Chen commented on
[JIRA] (JENKINS-48300) Pipeline shell step aborts prematurely with ERROR: script returned exit code -1
Title: Message Title E H commented on JEN
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52948) Attempt to (de-)serialize anonymous class in gitclient
Title: Message Title Mark Waite assigned a
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52948) Attempt to (de-)serialize anonymous class in gitclient
Title: Message Title Matthias Keller creat
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52947) Attempt to (de-)serialize anonymous class com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.gerrit.trigger.hudsontrigger.GerritTriggerParameters$ParameterMode$1
Title: Message Title Matthias Keller creat
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52946) Attempt to (de-)serialize anonymous class org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.EnvInjectComputerListener$2
Title: Message Title Matthias Keller creat
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52945) Attempt to (de-)serialize anonymous class com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsScope$2
Title: Message Title Matthias Keller creat
[JIRA] (JENKINS-44096) ClassCastException: jenkins.security.ImpersonatingScheduledExecutorService cannot be cast to java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
Title: Message Title Matthias Keller comme
[JIRA] (JENKINS-46946) Use the bitbucket server webhook api
Title: Message Title Tom Wieczorek started
[JIRA] (JENKINS-46946) Use the bitbucket server webhook api
Title: Message Title Tom Wieczorek assigne
[JIRA] (JENKINS-47891) Bitbucket branch source plugin does not understand the new Bitbucket webhooks
Title: Message Title Tom Wieczorek comment
[JIRA] (JENKINS-51932) Directive Generator: `when` is missing `isRestartedRun()`
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer commente
[JIRA] (JENKINS-48300) Pipeline shell step aborts prematurely with ERROR: script returned exit code -1
Title: Message Title Craig Rodrigues edite
[JIRA] (JENKINS-51932) Directive Generator: `when` is missing `isRestartedRun()`
Title: Message Title Blake Devcich comment
[JIRA] (JENKINS-48300) Pipeline shell step aborts prematurely with ERROR: script returned exit code -1
Title: Message Title Craig Rodrigues comme
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50148) Unable to edit pipeline in blueocean when Jenkinsfile contains "withSonarQubeEnv"
Title: Message Title Keith Zantow commente
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50148) Unable to edit pipeline in blueocean when Jenkinsfile contains "withSonarQubeEnv"
Title: Message Title Keith Zantow stopped
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50148) Unable to edit pipeline in blueocean when Jenkinsfile contains "withSonarQubeEnv"
Title: Message Title Keith Zantow started
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50148) Unable to edit pipeline in blueocean when Jenkinsfile contains "withSonarQubeEnv"
Title: Message Title Keith Zantow updated
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50148) Unable to edit pipeline in blueocean when Jenkinsfile contains "withSonarQubeEnv"
Title: Message Title Keith Zantow assigned
[JIRA] (JENKINS-15570) Coverage report includes classes that have been excluded from Jacoco analysis
Title: Message Title Alex Taylor commented
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52944) Test duration is always displayed as <1s
Title: Message Title Craig Rodrigues assig
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52944) Test duration is always displayed as <1s
Title: Message Title Craig Rodrigues creat
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52936) menu-button-arrow.png overlaps the credentials "Add" button text
Title: Message Title Sheldon Fernandes sta
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52936) menu-button-arrow.png overlaps the credentials "Add" button text
Title: Message Title Sheldon Fernandes upd
[JIRA] (JENKINS-15570) Coverage report includes classes that have been excluded from Jacoco analysis
Title: Message Title Gabriel Stanek commen
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52943) Blue Ocean view does not show descriptions for shell steps with `returnStdout: true`
Title: Message Title Alex Taylor created a
[JIRA] (JENKINS-36516) EC2 plugin: Plugin fails to automatically launch slaves to meet demand
Title: Message Title Sasha Miroshnychenko
[JIRA] (JENKINS-36516) EC2 plugin: Plugin fails to automatically launch slaves to meet demand
Title: Message Title Sasha Miroshnychenko
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52942) Load Options load directory doesn't substitute a parameter
Title: Message Title John Czukkermann crea
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52941) Simple Pull Request Builder plugin needs to be updated to the new JCasC alpha release
Title: Message Title Oleg Nenashev created
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52881) durable-task plugin v1.23 kills jobs on Cygwin/MSys agents
Title: Message Title Devin Nusbaum updated
[JIRA] (JENKINS-15570) Coverage report includes classes that have been excluded from Jacoco analysis
Title: Message Title Jae Gangemi commented
[JIRA] (JENKINS-46638) Null pointer exception saving a parameterized freestyle job with no parameters defined
Title: Message Title Mark Waite closed an
[JIRA] (JENKINS-46724) [JDK9] Illegal reflective access from remoting
Title: Message Title Mark Waite closed an
[JIRA] (JENKINS-46622) [JDK9] Illegal reflective access from WhoAmI
Title: Message Title Mark Waite closed an
[JIRA] (JENKINS-47824) git plugin 3.6.3 lost support for tagged pipeline shared libraries
Title: Message Title Mark Waite closed an
[JIRA] (JENKINS-47716) Last changes plugin shows commit message heading mismatched with diffs
Title: Message Title Mark Waite closed an
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52940) Unable to manually install LDAP plugin
Title: Message Title Riley Brown created a
[JIRA] (JENKINS-45843) Unable to use system credentials for global pipeline library
Title: Message Title Flávio Augusto Valone
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50317) Pipeline job is failed with java.lang.StackOverflowError
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer commente
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50365) reload pipeline script without executing the job
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer updated
[JIRA] (JENKINS-45843) Unable to use system credentials for global pipeline library
Title: Message Title Flávio Augusto Valone
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50561) Add @Symbol to "throttle builds" job properties
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer assigned
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50561) Add @Symbol to "throttle builds" job properties
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer commente
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50561) Add @Symbol to "throttle builds" job properties
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer updated
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50561) Add @Symbol to "throttle builds" job properties
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer started
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50678) Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline Scan infinite re-build
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer updated
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52939) Need to lint pipeline from UI, and also parse parameters
Title: Message Title Craig Rodrigues updat
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52939) Need to lint pipeline from UI, and also parse parameters
Title: Message Title Craig Rodrigues creat
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50744) locks in parallel phases are incorrectly handled
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer updated
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50785) when stage and input stage both is not work
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer updated
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50855) Replay action visible although Replay permission is not granted
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer commente
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50800) workspace/* are not cleaned on SCM change.
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer updated
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50819) Error in Build Monitor when using MostRecentBuild Filter and Pipeline
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer updated
[JIRA] (JENKINS-15570) Coverage report includes classes that have been excluded from Jacoco analysis
Title: Message Title Alex Taylor commented
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50857) Docker agent on windows fails with Cannot run program "id"
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer commente
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50857) Docker agent on windows fails with Cannot run program "id"
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer updated
[JIRA] (JENKINS-31464) git-client uses proxy from plugins section of jenkins
Title: Message Title Yusuke Ohashi edited
[JIRA] (JENKINS-31464) git-client uses proxy from plugins section of jenkins
Title: Message Title Yusuke Ohashi comment
[JIRA] (JENKINS-38706) Workspace directory names mangled in multibranch pipeline
Title: Message Title Aaron Marasco edited
[JIRA] (JENKINS-38706) Workspace directory names mangled in multibranch pipeline
Title: Message Title Aaron Marasco comment
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50148) Unable to edit pipeline in blueocean when Jenkinsfile contains "withSonarQubeEnv"
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer updated
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50148) Unable to edit pipeline in blueocean when Jenkinsfile contains "withSonarQubeEnv"
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer commente
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52816) scm poll triggers even there is no change in repository(bitbucket)
Title: Message Title suryatej yaramada upd
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50148) Unable to edit pipeline in blueocean when Jenkinsfile contains "withSonarQubeEnv"
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer assigned
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50148) Unable to edit pipeline in blueocean when Jenkinsfile contains "withSonarQubeEnv"
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer started
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52938) Timestamper plugin does not produce timestamps in BlueOcean UI
Title: Message Title Craig Rodrigues comme
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52938) Timestamper plugin does not produce timestamps in BlueOcean UI
Title: Message Title Craig Rodrigues updat
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52938) Timestamper plugin does not produce timestamps in BlueOcean UI
Title: Message Title Craig Rodrigues creat
[JIRA] (JENKINS-51932) Directive Generator: `when` is missing `isRestartedRun()`
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer commente
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50148) Unable to edit pipeline in blueocean when Jenkinsfile contains "withSonarQubeEnv"
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer commente
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52937) Add tooling for updating Incrementals in Docker image plugins.txt
Title: Message Title Oleg Nenashev updated
[JIRA] (JENKINS-43885) Email-ext plugin throws dependency error
Title: Message Title David van Laatum comm
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52937) Add tooling for updating Incrementals in Docker image plugins.txt
Title: Message Title Oleg Nenashev created
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52937) Add tooling for updating Incrementals in Docker image plugins.txt
Title: Message Title Oleg Nenashev assigne
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52937) Add tooling for updating Incrementals in Docker image plugins.txt
Title: Message Title Oleg Nenashev started
[JIRA] (JENKINS-51253) jenkins_2.107.3_all.deb depends on java being installed but no longer has this explicit dependency
Title: Message Title Mostyn Bramley-Moore
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52881) durable-task plugin v1.23 kills jobs on Cygwin/MSys agents
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick updated
[JIRA] (JENKINS-51932) Directive Generator: `when` is missing `isRestartedRun()`
Title: Message Title Blake Devcich edited
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52935) Git LFS failing clone
Title: Message Title Mark Waite updated an
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52847) durable-task plugin v1.23 misbehaves on BusyBox agents
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick assigned
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52847) durable-task plugin v1.23 misbehaves on BusyBox agents
Title: Message Title Raphael Pionke edited
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52847) durable-task plugin v1.23 misbehaves on BusyBox agents
Title: Message Title Raphael Pionke commen
[JIRA] (JENKINS-51932) Directive Generator: `when` is missing `isRestartedRun()`
Title: Message Title Blake Devcich comment
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50906) Restricted sandbox breaks Callable sugar
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer started
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50906) Restricted sandbox breaks Callable sugar
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer commente
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50906) Restricted sandbox breaks Callable sugar
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer updated
[JIRA] (JENKINS-50906) Restricted sandbox breaks Callable sugar
Title: Message Title Andrew Bayer assigned
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52881) durable-task plugin v1.23 kills jobs on Cygwin/MSys agents
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick commented