[JIRA] (JENKINS-37967) dynamic choice parameter not compatible with folder + windows slave

2016-09-05 Thread raphael.uni...@stef.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Raphaël UNIQUE update

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37967) dynamic choice parameter not compatible with folder + windows slave

2016-09-05 Thread raphael.uni...@stef.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Raphaël UNIQUE update

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37967) dynamic choice parameter not compatible with folder + windows slave

2016-09-05 Thread raphael.uni...@stef.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Raphaël UNIQUE update

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37967) dynamic choice parameter not compatible with folder + windows slave

2016-09-05 Thread raphael.uni...@stef.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Raphaël UNIQUE create