[JIRA] [jira-plugin] (JENKINS-30004) Plugin not working with Jira 7.0+ because SOAP and XML-RPC AP interfaces were removed
Title: Message Title Radek Antoniuk resolved as Duplicate
[JIRA] [jira-plugin] (JENKINS-30004) Plugin not working with Jira 7.0+ because SOAP and XML-RPC AP interfaces were removed
Title: Message Title Pete Blumenthal updated an issue
[JIRA] [jira-plugin] (JENKINS-30004) Plugin not working with Jira 7.0+ because SOAP and XML-RPC AP interfaces were removed
Title: Message Title Jasja de Vries assigned an issue to Unassigned
[JIRA] [jira-plugin] (JENKINS-30004) Plugin not working with Jira 7.0+ because SOAP and XML-RPC AP interfaces were removed
Title: Message Title Jasja de Vries assigned an issue to Jasja de Vries
[JIRA] [jira-plugin] (JENKINS-30004) Plugin not working with Jira 7.0+ because SOAP and XML-RPC AP interfaces were removed
Title: Message Title Jasja de Vries created an issue