Some week ago I upgraded to version 1.584 and access control doesn't work 
well anymore, please some advice.

I use Apache Frontend through ajp proxy as explained in the Jenkins wiki 
page (linke 
. Jenkins is run as a war in an existing tomcat instance.

I use Apache Basic Authentication with Jenkins own user db.  I know that 
this could conflict (as explained in the wiki) but it always seem to work 
as the delegate doesn't seem to work.

However, after the upgrade it doesn't well anymore. I can browse Jenkins as 
a logged in user, but then when I click certain functionality like the PMD 
plugin, the browser comes with the login popup (with the text Jenkins popup 
footer text) and I can fill in whatever I want, I can't login. If I then 
open another browser, it starts over again: I can browse jenkins till I hit 
some functionality like PMD that shows the popup... I then have to restart 
Tomcat to have access again.

Because of this conflict I tried the Jenkins security option to use 
"Delegate to server container" as Security Realm, but then I do get a http 
302 error and the browser complaints that it performs too many redirect 
loops :(... (that's probably why I didn't use it in the past). It the same 
as the reported jenkins issue here: linke 

So I am a bit lost now and not sure how to solve this, please some advice 
on this?

Some details:

httpd -v output:
I noticed that the server build shows a date recently, maybe because of the 
"auto update feature" of the linux pacakges, but the latest is 2.2.29 
Server version: Apache/2.2.15 (Unix)
Server built:   Oct 16 2014 14:48:21

My Apache snippets (I played with the settings but they had no effect):
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost Off
AllowEncodedSlashes Off
ProxyPass /jenkins ajp:// nocanon
ProxyPassReverse /jenkins ajp://

<Location "/">
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "Development"
  AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/password/passwords
  AuthGroupFile /etc/httpd/password/groups
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
  Require group developers

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