We are also the error when we use email ext plugin with ${SCRIPT,
template="SquishSummary.groovy"} as in Pre-send script. Its already
discussed on this thread https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-33468

groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: it for class:
{{ at
{{ at
{{ ......}}

Please see the relevant part of SquishSummary.groovy

List resultFiles = []
{{ def summaries = new XmlSlurper().parse( summaryFile )}}
{{ summaries.summary.each {}}
{{ resultFiles.push( new File( squishResultsPath, it.xmlFileName.text() )
{{ }}}

Please let me know what we need to change for this.

We tried as resultFiles.push( new File( squishResultsPath, { File ->
.FilexmlFileName.text() } ) )

But its not working. Can you please help?


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