Hello All,

I have been surfing around for this stuff for quite sometime and till now 
couldn't find a plugin that does this job seamlessly.  I tried these 
options - SCM Sync Configuration plugin 
plugin <https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/thinBackup> and PeriodicBackup 
plugin <https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/PeriodicBackup+Plugin>.  

PeriodicBackup plugin seemed nice as it was giving option for full backup 
which is what we are also looking for.  But, it doesn't seem to work 
properly.  As per the backup configuration I limited it to 5 maximum 
backups and 5 days to store the backup.  But, it doesn't stop with 5.  It 
keeps adding the new ones as per cron, but not deleting the old ones.  
Also, the restoration doesn't work at all.

But, with ThinBackup and SCM Sync Configuration plugins we have a 
limitation of not being able to backup the entire JENKINS_HOME folder.

Does anybody have a best possible solution for this?  I had couple of 
suggestions for rsync.  But, wondering if that's the only way to do it or 
if there's any other easier backup/restore option that am missing.

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