I know that this is a known bug where I have a multi-branch pipeline job 
that has the following properties block, and the "Build with parameters" 
link shows up, I run the job, it succeeds, and the the "Build with 
parameters" link disappears with only the "Build now" link, which I run, 
and fails, and then the "Build with parameters" link shows up again.



   string(name: 'GIT_BRANCH', defaultValue: 
'feature/dev-26387-split-micro-deploy', description: 'zift-infrastructure 
branch to use'),

   booleanParam(name: 'RUN_TESTS', defaultValue: true, description: 'Boolean 
whether to run unit tests or not'),

   booleanParam(name: 'DEPLOY_TO_SANDBOX', defaultValue: true, description: 
whether to deploy to sandbox or not')



Any workaround for this bug? I have not seen one online, or maybe I missed 


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