Can we get Justin Vallon removed from the mailing list please?

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Date: Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 8:59 AM
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Thank you for your inquiry.  Justin Vallon is no longer with the firm.
 For immediate assistance, please contact Reception at

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-- 8< --- CUT HERE -------------------------- CUT HERE --- >8 --

  From:    Richard Bywater <>
  Subject: Re: Ant SCP fails with J9 JVM but it works with Sun JVM

  It sounds to me that you might be better off asking on the Ant mailing
  list as it sounds like its the scp Ant task that is causing you

  However I'd also check that the version of J9 you are using is
  certified to work with Windows 2008 Server as perhaps there is some
  security/access controls tripping it up.


  On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 10:01 PM, Sachin Kumar Saxena
  <> wrote:
  > Hi All,
  > Can someone please help here or point out the mistake if any i have done
  > with my configuration.
  > I am using Ant 1.7 and my jenkins is installed on Windows 2008 server.
  > On Tuesday, 11 September 2012 11:50:00 UTC+5:30, Sachin Kumar Saxena wrote:
  >> Hi All,
  >> I am unable to find a solution for the problem i am facing with IBM j9.
  >> In my ant script i am using SCP task to copy my build artefacts(.ear) to
  >> scp server.
  >> When i am using Oracle jdks everything is working fine and i am able to
  >> copy my files to remote server.
  >> Problem starts when ant is running using JVM j9 jvm (1.5).
  >> I am getting Net_Bind exception when scp task is executed.
  >> I have tried following permutations;
  >> Jenkins running on Oracle jdk 1.5 and Ant using Oracle jdk -- build is
  >> successful.
  >> Jenkins running on Oracle jdk 1.5 and Ant using J9 -- Build failed with
  >> netbind exception
  >> Jenkins running on J9 and Ant using J9 -- Build failed with netbind
  >> exception
  >> Please help if any one have any idea what could be done to resolve this
  >> issue.

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