I have these three distinct stages [1] that have concurrency 1 as they 
should only run one and one  - however they are also consumers of each 
other ( a chain of events).
This strongly indicates that it should be a single stage (which would solve 
my problem) - but at the same time they are independent meaningful 
stages/events - so it's also meaningful to stage label them.
Is there any way to make a block with concurrency 1 and individual stage 
steps within that block?
The chain is: deployToMavenRepo -> deployOntoAppserves -> 

 stage name: 'deployToMavenRepo', concurrency: 1
    // have to actually rebuild in order to be able to deploy...:
    sh "${mvnCmd} -Dpackaging=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean deploy"
    step([$class: 'ArtifactArchiver', artifacts: '**/target/*.tar.gz', 
fingerprint: true])

    stage name: 'deployToServers', concurrency: 1
    //have the deployment script as a separate workflow so we can invoke 
isolated, but also call it directly here to deploy
    def deployscript = load 'deploy.groovy'
    deployscript.deploy( 'systest' )

    stage name: 'soapUi test', concurrency: 1
    def soapUiFlow = load 'soapuitest.groovy'

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